An RAF Lossiemouth Sea
King was scrambled - and the three hour rescue operation was filmed
by award winning cameraman Paul Berriff, who lived and worked with
the number 202 Squadron`s helicopter flight for a year to produce
the series.
Watching helicopter winchman Bob Pountney being lowered to the
deck of the heaving vessel - which was being buffeted by 40ft
waves made for compelling viewing as the pilot, Flt Lt. John Prince,
stated calmly over the intercom: " There is no hurry, no one is
going to be injured on this one so no heroics".
The faces of the Budding Rose crew told the story better than
any words as they were winched to safety in the helicopter.
Four hours later - and still more than 100 miles from dry land
- the Budding Rose sank.
Twins Peter and Stephen along with the crew of the Budding Rose,
highly commended the acts of the helicopter crew on the day of
their Rescue and will never forget thier deeds